Best Destinations to Study Outside for Students

 Studying abroad is a program that operates through various sectors of education, enabling a student to attend a foreign education and live in a country. There are study programs not just for the university but also for high school students and college graduates. Studying abroad comes with many advantages. The program of studying abroad benefits a student as an opportunity to see the world, quality education, understanding of different cultures, enhancement of language skills, personal growth etc.

More than 300,000 students are studying in various world universities as per the record from Nepal Education, Science and Technology Ministry. The Chief Girman Thapa of the Foreign Education Department has stated the exact number of Nepali students who got permission to go abroad is 323,972. (Nepali Sansar 2019)

The study abroad destination depends upon the various factors that individual student’s decisions like the cost of education and living, the standard of living, employment opportunities, language and culture, climate, the possibility of a permanent residency, and so on.

According to the survey over 30,000 international students, as per their most important factors when choosing study abroad destinations. The listed below are the top 10 ranks for the best countries to study abroad. The factors are based on achieving career goals, personal development, experiencing new culture and lifestyle, access to higher quality education, learning a new language, and widening professional network. ( 2020)
























But the point is, Why Canada is on the rank 1st and France on 10th? In terms of the quality of its high school, Canada is regarded as a top-performing country. 91% of adults in Canada aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary education whereas in France only 78%. In Canada, 93% of women have successfully completed high-school compared with 90% of men, whereas in France 78% of women compared to 79% of men. Canadians are more satisfied with their lives than the French. On a scale of 0 to 10, Canadians gave 7.4 grade on average, whereas French gave 6.5 grade on average of the OECD average of 6.5.(OECD Organization)  

Now, let me give my opinion towards 5 countries that I personally feel like as the best country to study.

#1 AUSTRALIA – As Australia has more freedom than others because of its fewer weeks in University and often less class time per week. This helps a student to get more opportunities to work in various sectors. As many students are attracted by its flexibilities by the Australian Educational System, which sets out 12 levels of qualification across three educational sectors – school, universities, and vocational education and training.

#2 CANADA – As Canada has the top universities worldwide. It is also recognized for being a diverse and inclusive country. Because of the affordable, tuition fees, great scholarships and gives the opportunity to work during and after graduation. The best part why I got attracted is we can apply for a permanent resident visa being in Nepal according to the Canadian Governmental rules.

#3 GERMANY – Germany is also one of the best countries to study for higher education. Because it is comparatively cheaper for better courses like medical as well. As the German education system has an excellent reputation, and also a number of students are attracted to study. The main reason to choose Germany as the best country is it provides free education as well as health facilities as per their rules.

#4 UNITED STATES – Due to quality, choice, and value, the US is the major attraction for studying. US has some of the world’s finest colleges and universities. Also, they have better facilities, resources, and research areas. The US is quite expensive for education or living comparing to other destination and also it takes a long time for visa approval. But the US provided great learning experiences, qualitative education, and a great lifestyle.

#5 NEW ZEALAND – New Zealand is also one of the best countries among others. As it provided opportunities for unique experiences. Due to the affordable cost of living and a suitable climate too, we can consider it for the study destination. As it shows fewer expenses compared to other countries like the USA, UK, Canada or Australia. Though the country might be small it provides a great experience in better education and living. 

In conclusion, the countries mentioned on the above ranked are on top 10 because of the top institutions to look out for, popular courses among international students, affordable tuition fees, can apply for a scholarship, and also can apply for a permanent resident visa. As you can get so many good options available for studying abroad, with scholarships and the countries actively encouraging international students.

Choosing to study overseas is a life-changing experience. You will gain professionals as well as new different knowledge which will stay with you for the rest of your life.   


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