Everything You Need To Know About Studying In Australia

Choosing Australia as your study destination will provide you with fresh and wonderful experiences of possibilities and a whole new world being. Australia is a vibrant country with a lot to offer students looking for international education, not to mention an exciting and progressive curriculum for world-class education.

Why Australia?
  • Vibrant nation with a youthful population.
  • Stable government. The Australian economy relies more on its natural resources and, due to its geographical location, is not influenced by significant changes around the world.
  • A very healthy country with much of the world's liveable cities (Melbourne and Sydney).
  • Demand for qualified individuals.
  • World-class universities with nice, internationally recognized infrastructure and facilities and education.
  • Compared to the USA, Canada, and the UK, the affordable rate of tuition and living expenses.
  • Dynamic and innovative services for education with a reputation for quality.
  • Courses and qualifications recognized internationally.
  • A relaxed, fun, and secure lifestyle.
Popular States and Cities
  • New South Wales –Sydney; Vitoria
  • Melbourne; Queensland – Brisbane; Australian
  • Capital Territory-Canberra; South Australia- Adelaide
  • Western Australia- Perth; Tasmania; Northern Territory
  • Summer: December to February
  • Autumn: March to May
  • Winter: June to August
  • Spring: September to November

Australian Qualification: The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) was established by the Australian Government to ensure that Australian qualifications are the same nationally and reflect the same high level of education. In university and technical education, the education system is broadly split.

Intakes: Significant intakes of universities in February and July and few universities in November also have intake.

After Study Options: Students can apply for either direct permanent residency or a qualified 18-month graduate visa (work permit) after completing the course and having studied in Australia for a minimum of 2 years.

The student will work full time during this period and after completion of 12 months of work in the relevant field of study: the student can apply for permanent residency.


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